Sunday, January 17, 2010

CJ Miles and Wesley Mathews at Energy Solutions,,,This was AWESOME!!!

We had the coolest opportunity. Jared's work had put together a clinic at the ESA with CJ Miles and Wesley Mathews. There were only about 30 kids total in this little clinic and they were all kids of US Synthetic employees. It was such a neat experience. This clinic included 4 rotations of working on different basketball skills. They also had a Q&A session with Miles and Mathews and then each of them was able to have a picture taken with them and the bear and have their shirts signed. They also provided a little dinner. My kids were in heaven!! I must say Jared and I were as well.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The rest of my new pics....Love them!!

These are the rest of my family pictures. There were SO many that I just loved, it is not possible to post them all!! This will have to do.

Monday, January 4, 2010