Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ms. Shelby Lynn... first day of kindergarten

I have to admit.  I am SO glad that I am having another baby in a few weeks.  I am not shy about the fact that I enjoy it when my kids are in school.  I am not one that cries when school starts, I would describe it more as shouting for joy.  I just think that it is good for all of us, meaning the kids and myself to have that in their lives.  Today however, was different.  I sent my youngest to kindergarten and it was not easy.  With my kids being so close together I dreamed for this day.. I thought that is the day that life will be GREAT.  I was sorely disappointed.  What a great lesson to enjoy the moment.  Trevor is the sibling just older than Shelby and he is in 3rd grade.  She has been my little sidekick for a few years now.  I will miss her!!  She is so much fun and I feel like I have gotten to know her well.  I am excited to get to know this new baby.  He will be my little pal for years to come!!  The sad thing is I will have to go through this again in 5 years.  You better believe I will cherish the time I have with him before school starts.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of School

Here they are!  My sweet little kids on their first day of school.  Well 3/4 of them anyway.  The 4th will be starting kindergarten next week.  They were all so excited.  I have to admit the older they get the more nervous I get for them..  Brett is starting 6th grade.  That means jr. high next year and that really scares me!!  Joquelle is going into 4th and Trevor into 3rd.  Its hard to believe how old they are getting.  Time truly flies.  I say that constantly, but it keeps continuing to amaze me.