Sunday, December 28, 2008

Marley and Me.........Wow who knew?

My sweetest little daughter turned 8 yesterday. She is going to be baptized this next week and is so excited. So for her birthday, she decided that she wanted to go and see the movie Marley and Me. SPOILER ALERT***** if you intend on seeing this and do not want to know anything about it stop reading**** We took the whole family.....Now just a little FYI, if you have a dog that your kids like I might not recommend this movie...Lets just say her birthday turned out to be a little sad. The movie is about this dog that this family grows up with and loves and the dog ends up dying. My kids went out to the car. They cried and cried. It was a big reality check what would happen if I got rid of good ol' Sharpay. I think I am pretty well stuck with a dog. The thing that really got them going was my PURE stupidity and lack of filter at the mouth. When we got into the car they immediately started to cry and what did I say, "kids you do know Sharpay will die some day~" Wow stupid me... That really got them going. I think I traumatized them and it is a birthday she will never forget~ We should have seen Bedtime Stories.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Jody~ Hey it's Lori (tuttle) how are you? I'm not even sure how I found your blog. . .going from one to blog to the next (ya I have no life ha ha!) What a cute family you have! I really can't believe you have a daughter that is 8? Where does the time go?! It looks like you're doing really well. Take care and happy new year!