Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fun things to look forward to..

Now that the holidays are over, I feel like I can focus on other things. I am so excited for a few things that are coming up. First, Jr Jazz starts this Saturday. Brett and Trevor are SO excited for this. Joquelle doesn't love to play so much, but does enjoy watching.. This may change, who knows. We went last night and bought them new basketball shoes. They keep trying them on to see how they fit and brag about how well they are going to do with "their shoes". I love to watch them play. It is a fun family thing to do on Saturdays. Second, in just over 2 weeks my husband and I are going to none other than Hawaii..!! Yea, I love Hawaii. We are going with some of my family. I have to say that the thought of going and laying on the beach with the weather that we are dealing with right now, could not come fast enough!! It will be so much fun.

I am planning on running a half marathon in April with my sister and brother. This will be fun and challenging. I have gotten back into running and so has Jared, it has been fun running and watching him find the joy in running as well. He wants to run in a 5k in July and win his age division. I am much more content with just finishing. I have been running outside as well as on the treadmill. My big plans are to run a full marathon in October with a friend from work. I hope I am able to accomplish this. I know it will be challenging, but I have always wanted to do it.


Lori said...

Oh my goodness Jody - a marathon really?! That is SO great! Pete has as a life goal to run a marathon (when he made the goal he didn't realize that meant 26miles, he just though any long distance run was a marathon. But he still kept it a goal), he only had to ask me once if I was going to join him. My answer was a very firm "hell no!" I stand in awe of those who willingly do that :)

I'm oh so jealous about Hawaii! I've never been, but that is one of my life goals :) Right now I'd settle for ANYWHERE warm and sunny. mmm another novel for you. . .sorry

Anonymous said...

How did I not know you had a blog! I am one fine sister-in-law!

I am excited for Hawaii too! I could use some down time.

I just read a whole bunch of your back posts -- it was FUN! Love all the family pictures!

Crystal said...

Wow, I HATE running. I'd much rather lift weights or do the eliptical. Good for you!! So, that's your secret of staying fit?!
I can't even describe how jealous I am of Hawaii!!!

Emily said...

I remember Jared and Zac thinking they were so cool and so fast when they'd get their new basketball shoes. I must say that I am jealous of your Hawaii trip! Hopefully while you're out working on your tans, I'll be birthing a baby! Oh, and way to go on training for a marathon. You are amazing!