Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day.....Bah Humbug!!!!

This post might seem kind of weird. I have to admit that maybe it is... Today is Valentines Day...Today is also the day that Jared and I decided would be the last Valentines Day that we celebrate...I don't know what it is, but Valentines Day NEVER seems to work out for us. It seems that every time we make plans to go out, something comes up..This year, Shelby has been sicker than a dog..Jared had made plans to take me out..He always does, however, they had to be cancelled. I am fine with that, believe me there are worse things in life to worry about. We can always go out another day. Now for the real reason for this post......Its going to get pretty sappy now, those who don't like sappy may want to log off now....

I don't need Valentines Day. I don't need a day where my husband can bring me some flowers and tell me he loves me. I am the luckiest girl in the world because he tells me he loves me
EVERYDAY. Not just once., not just twice....most days probably 20 times (this really is no exaggeration) Not only does he tell me he loves me he compliments me WAY more than I should be. I would really love to find someone in this world that knows her husband loves her more than I know mine loves me!!! I try to give my husband the same kind of love..In this, I know I fall short. I have the best husband in the world and he truly is my BEST BEST friend!!! I could not be more grateful for him....With that said, good-bye stinkin Valentines Day!!! We don't need you! No more worries about whether we will be able to go out, or get each other the right gifts...I LOVE YOU JARED!!


Colette said...

Valentine's Day doesn't always work out for us either. But the way you and Jared are together, I would have to agree. You don't need it. It is kind of a silly holidy.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a sick kid to ruin plans! Hope she is feeling better. Glad you didn't let it ruin the day :) We did nothing all day -- it was fantastic!

Lori said...

That is so great. . .nothing better in life than to be so in love :)