Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kids first day of school

Well, I guess the first day of school is always a great place to start. I have also come to the conclusion that I really need a new camera PRONTO!! This one is old and works only half the time, plus, it has gotten where the pictures are blurry, or maybe the photographer is a major moron! Here are the three oldest and they are getting SO old!! I guess that means I am too! :( Brett is in 5th grade, Joquelle in 3rd, and Trevor in 2nd. Shelby is in preschool and just had her first day. I will post a picture of her as well.


Matt, Erin, Kaden, Sophia, Jack, & Leah said...

Jody, your kids are adorable and they all look so much like you especially your girl. So cute! I'm glad you've decided to blog more.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I don't have you guys for Christmas, otherwise I would get you a new camera :)

I am such a good mom, I didn't even take pictures on the first day of school.