Sunday, June 6, 2010

Trevor's Baptism

Yesterday was a fabulous day! Trevor was baptized by his dad. It was such a great day, with so much of our family there. Trevor is really a great kid!!

On the other hand, today was not such a great day!! We were getting ready for church this morning. I was in the tub and Jared had just worked the night shift and was sleeping. As I was sitting in the tub I heard all kinds of commotion. Jared then came and yelled through the bathroom door that Shelby was hurt and we needed to go to the hospital. I threw on my clothes and went to see what was wrong. She had hit her head on the dresser and had a gaping hole in her head. I tell you what, even though I am a nurse, it is a whole different story when it is your own kid. I freaked out!! We had to go and get 10 stitches put in her head. It was sad... I wish I had taken a picture of her dress it was of course way bloody and we just took her that way. The best part is when she told the doctor she looked like a vampire!! This girl cracks me up. She is just always keeping it real! I love the way she posed for her picture.. I am glad she is ok, but I did not love that experience!


Bingham fam said...

I love her picture with the stiches. Awesome that your son got baptized! Amazing how quick they grow.

Bingham fam said...
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Emily said...

Oh, I was so sad I couldn't make it to the baptism! Shelby is awesome and her picture is too, the stitches, however, are not!!!

Colette said...

wow! what a day! How did I not see her on the day this happened.
Glad she's doing o.k. and still has her sense of humor about her.