Sunday, September 26, 2010

Meet JJ Ryder Nielsen

Here is our newest family favorite!!  Boy do we love him!!  9lbs 7oz!  20.5 in. long.
I do have to share the story of his name because it is actually a cool story!!  When I first got pregnant Jared decided he loved the name JJ.  I was not absolutely keen on it and would tell him we would see.  He got the kids all on board with the name and that is what they would call him.  We decided when I was about 6 months pregnant that JJ was not the name and were thinking of several others.  Trevor and Shelby refused to quit calling him JJ. 

On our way to the hospital we had decided that his name would probably be Ryder.  I told the Dr. that and he said he really liked it.  After he was born the Dr said, "so is his name Ryder then?"  I said, "I don't know Jared, is it."  The Dr then said, "Do you guys like BYU football" we told him that we did and then he said, "this kid is big, he looks like a running back, you should name him JJ"  I could not believe it!  I told the Dr. that is what Jared wanted to name him.  I took it as a sign and low and behold, his name JJ Ryder Nielsen.  I have to admit I absolutely LOVE IT!!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to meet him!!! I will give you a call soon and see when will work to come over! I am so happy he is here and all is well :)

Crystal said...

What a cute boy! LOVE his name, and that is a super cute story! Such a cute picture of all 5, I repeat, 5 of your kids!!!!!

Bingham fam said...

Congrats! He is super cute! What a cute little family you have! Ok not so little family anymore! :)

Julie said...

So cute. Congrats!!!