Sunday, May 6, 2012

Brett's "Great Kid Award"

I am so very proud of Brett.  He was chosen as the boy recipient for the "Great Kid Award" for Payson Jr. High.  As explained in the award, "the award is intended to be given to the young man or young woman who has exemplified an attitude of service and support of their fellow students and a deep respect for their teachers...They simply need to be someone who everyone sees as a great person who goes out of their way to contribute to the success of others..they should be held in high esteem by their classmates and teachers and be seen as someone who is a friend with great personal integrity."

He had the award ceremony at Tahitian Noni. It was presented by the Utah Valley Chamber of commerce. They presented an award to them as well as gave them a bag with a bunch of goodies.  It was such a neat thing and I am so proud of Brett for being such a great example!


Friday, March 23, 2012

Has it really been that long?

I win the award for the lamest blogger and mom.  I got onto my blog the other day and started to read some of my past posts.  I felt so bad because they include some really great memories that I would not have remembered otherwise.  I know I have said it before, but for nothing else I need to blog for me and the memories our family makes. 

We just completed a really awesome trip.  We took our whole family to Mexico City to see my parents.  It was SUCH a neat trip!  Everyone just loved it.  We drove down to LA to catch a flight from there into Mexico city.  It saved us about $2000.00 to do it that way so we figured it was worth it!  Another perk was that we were able to go to Disneyland for a day.  That was also fun.  It was amazing to me though how Disneyland took the back seat to Mexico.  The kids loved it there and especially loved being around the missionaries!!  Brett wanted to leave on his mission right then and go to Mexico.  What a cool experience!  We did a lot of "church" things and the kids did not complain once.  It was all spoken in Spanish too.  It is amazing that the spirit speaks to you no matter what language is spoken and the kids could feel the spirit.  We talked about the way we felt a lot and they could recognize it. 

It was also so fun to see my parents.  The kids and Jared had not seen them for nearly 2 years!!  I went last April with my sister and I get to go again with all my sisters in June!!  My little family is jealous.  It will be a lot of fun!  I will have to try and catch up with other things that have happened in the last year.