Sunday, December 7, 2008

Trev the Bev

Clearly there is only one word to describe this little guy...INTENSE....Everything that he does, he puts his whole heart into it.
When I was pregnant with him we lived in a different state away from our families. My doctor told me he would start me. However, they did it THE worst possible way in history. They said that when they had an opening at the hospital, they would call. This could occur ANYTIME. So, needless to say we waited around all day. When they didn't call we decided to take the other kids over to Jared's cousins house in case they called during the night. Needless to say I did not sleep a wink!! I layed right by the phone waiting for it to ring. My dad kept calling me to see if I had heard anything as they were going to come as soon as I went in the hospital. My dad finally took the bull by the horns and called the hospital. They called me 10 minutes later and had a bed for me.. My dad has a great way of getting things done. Nine hours of labor and #3 was here..
Trevor is my little bud.. He is the only one of my kids that will still "snuggle" with me. I LOVE IT! I can always count on him to give me some love.. He loves sports, but hates to lose..I have to admit I hate it when he loses too....This is when all heck breaks lose and the world comes to a complete comes the intensity. There is none more caring than this one.. I love you Trev!!

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